Wednesday, February 27, 2013

(42) Suggestion for a Church Bulletin Insert for the 2013 Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal



            If the Men of the diocese are in good spiritual shape, the family is renewed.  If the family is renewed, the parish is renewed and so is the diocese.  The men must be spiritual leaders in their families.  The men must step up and be the pillars of the parish.......not only the women.  The men must put Christ into the marketplace and in their jobs.  Set the men on fire and we renew the parish, the diocese and ultimately the Country, thus transforming Society.  That's what the Diocese is trying to accomplish with the Men's Day of Renewal.

            The Catholic Diocese of Steubenville is sponsoring this Men’s Conference on Saturday March 16 from 9 am to 3 pm at St. Stephen’s Church in Caldwell (off of I-77 Exit 25).  The theme is: “Embrace the Faith” with St. Joseph as the patron.  The distance may be great, but Lent involves sacrifice and the quest for holiness.  That gives a pilgrimage flavor especially if we car pool.  During the middle ages, pilgrims would travel for days by foot or horseback.
            Our men will leave in the parish van at 6:30 am and have great fellowship on the way.  In the past the men have returned spiritually refreshed, reinvigorated, and enthusiastic.  Expect the same this year.  See how the participants are moved by the beauty and power of the faith.   Non-Catholics are also welcome.  This year the Conference is open to teens so this can also be a father &son event.  There will be opportunities for Eucharistic Adoration & a Lenten Confession.

            It is essential that the men take the spiritual lead in the family and in the parish.  Too often the women are the pillars of the parish.  According to our speaker, Fr. Larry Richards, the probability that the children will remain faithful to the Church in later life is about 40% if the mother takes the spiritual lead.  However, if the father does his job as spiritual leader, that probability of later faithfulness doubles to about 80%!!!!  According to Danny Abramowicz, last year’s speaker, the children love Mom, but tend to follow Dad. 

             The main speaker, Fr. Larry Richards is the author of the best seller, “Be a Man!  Becoming the Man God Created You to Be” which challenges men to be true men as God intended with manly virtues such as love, wisdom, courage, integrity, and compassion to pursue holiness, to make a difference in the world, and to live as a beloved son of God, revealing the meaning of a man’s life.  Fr. Larry inspires men to become the true heroes they long to be.  He recounts his struggles to learn true manhood, as well as the inspiring stories of others he has served. He tells men how to focus on the right goals, to live according to the Holy Spirit, to be a man of true love and of wisdom, to appreciate properly the differences between men and women, to pursue holiness, and to make a difference in the world. Not preachy but direct, Father Larry challenges men to be strong, without putting on a mask of false strength or machismo (

            He often appears on EWTN, hosts his own national radio show, “Changed Forever” on Relevant Radio at and other stations on Saturday 8 pm & Sunday 11 am.  Fr. Larry Richards is the founder and president of the Reason for Hope Foundation dedicated to spreading the good news of the Gospel (see by educating others about Jesus Christ and giving insights on true manhood.

            Fr. Richards, born in Pittsburgh, earned a degree in Mental Health at the College Seminary at Gannon University.  He completed his priestly training and studies in Theology at St. Vincent Seminary; received a Master of Divinity degree; and was ordained in 1989.  He is the pastor of St. Joseph Church and the Bread of Life Community in Erie, Pennsylvania.  Fr. Larry is also the Spiritual Director of the TEC (To Encounter Christ) Retreat Program for the Diocese of Erie.  At the same time he is close to completing the requirements for a MA degree in Liturgy at the University of Notre Dame.

            There’s more information on the diocesan website, and the Conference Blog, “Becoming a True Man of God” at which will be devoted to articles to keep men in spiritual shape after the Conference.  For a greater variety, go to “A Little Bit for God and His People” by at

            It should be a great day of enjoyable fellowship and spiritual invigoration. But most of all, through grace we'll have a few more good spiritually strong men for the kingdom of God in the battle against secularism and other evils and problems that our troubled society must --not spiritual weaklings and wimps-- who will put Christ into their professions.  Finally, the men will become more knowledgeable, firmer in their faith, and better prepared for a more joyful Easter, not to mention a greater closeness to God and eternity which life on earth is all about. 

            Although one may register at the door, please register with your parish representative (phone), as soon as possible or sign up.  That would make planning (food, transportation, etc.) easier and minimize waiting at the door.


·    Get into good spiritual shape and avoid being a spiritual weakling, i.e., a spiritual wimp.
·    Have a great day of enjoyable fellowship and spiritual invigoration in the parish van and at the conference, resulting in deeper friendships and parish cohesion.
·    Develop ourselves as men of character and spiritual strength as we obtain the graces to conquer ourselves and cope with the problems that our troubled society and economy brings to us.
·    Be a more effective spiritual leader of your family as a better husband and father.
·    Prepare our hearts for the great feast of Easter and for eternity as we become closer to God.
·   Become knowledgeable about the faith and grow in Christian maturity.  We know so little about Church teaching.
·   Become a more effective soldier of Christ as you do your part in establishing the kingdom, winning the spiritual-culture war against secularism, and put Christ into your profession.
St. Joseph, model of a true man of God, pray for us and for the success of the Men's Conference.

 SUGGESTION:  Use the space below for pages 2 & 4 of the trifold brochure.

i.e., the pages with the speaker photos & descriptions and the registration form.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

(41) Possible 2013 Men's Conference Pulpit Announcement at the End of Mass

             It is suggested that the Parish Representative ask the pastor to say a few words promoting the Men’s Conference after Mass.  It may be something like the following as a starting point and be adapted according to the style of the pastor and the reality of his parish. 

Fr. Larry Richards emphasizes a point in one of his conferences.

First Announcement

         The Diocese is sponsoring a Men's Conference on Saturday March 16 at St. Stephen’s Church in Caldwell.  I strongly recommend that every man in the parish takes advantage of the dynamic and entertaining Fr. Larry Richards.  Author of the book, “Be a Man”, he challenges the men to be true men as God intended.   He will help the men get into good spiritual shape and become true men of God.

    See the wisdom of Church teaching on the role of the man of God as a spiritual leader in the home, the parish, and the community.  You will return spiritually refreshed and reinvigorated after a day of enjoyable fellowship as the men travel together in the parish van.  Use the sign-up sheet in the back of the church and see your parish representative e.g., Paul Sebastian to register.  Please pray for a fruitful and well attended Conference.

Final Announcement the Sunday Before the Conference

          The Men's Conference is this coming Saturday March 16 at St. Stephen’s Church in Caldwell.  The men will meet at the Parish Hall at 6:30 am and travel together like a pilgrimage in the parish van for some great fellowship and spiritual re-invigoration, a great sacrifice for Lent.

      The theme is “Embracing the Faith” as Fr. Larry Richards gives real insights into true manhood and shows the beauty of monthly sacramental confession, as indispensable for holiness and ultimately victory in the very serious game of life where the prize is eternal salvation and the Lord tells you, "Well done good and faithful servant.  Sign up in the back of the church.  You may register at the door, but calling your parish representative e.g., Paul Sebastian to register as soon as you can. That would make planning so much easier. Please pray for a fruitful and well attended Conference.
St. Joseph, model of a true man of God, pray for us and for the success of the Men's Conference.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

(40) New Features in the 2013 Men's Day of Renewal of the Diocese of Steubenville

Press Release #3 Submitted to the Steubenville Catholic Register on February 20, 2013

            According to Fr. Larry Richards, the featured Men’s Conference speaker, if the mother takes the spiritual lead in the family, the probability that the children will remain faithful to the Church as adults is about 40%.  If the father takes the spiritual lead, that probability doubles to 80%.  As Danny Abramowicz of “Crossing the Goal” on EWTN likes to point out, the children love Mom, but tend to follow Dad.  Thus Fr. Richards challenges the men to be true men as God intended.  That would entail being spiritual leaders, servant leaders in the home and the parish, in the community and even on the job in following the social teachings of the Church.  
Fr. Larry Richards challenges the men to be true men as God intended.
            For the first time the men are invited to bring their teenage sons who are learning how to become men so that this Conference may also be a Father and Son shared experience.  They may also bring grandsons, nephews, godsons, and friends on Saturday March 16 at St. Stephen's Church in Caldwell (9 am to 3 pm).  All will enjoy this nationally known EWTN television personality, national radio show host, and the author of the best selling book, “Be a Man”.  Fr. Richards is a popular, captivating, and entertaining speaker around the country as well as a favorite at men’s conferences.

As a new feature, the men may come as early as 8 am for a Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Rosary.  A Penance Service will again be included as a very important part of the day.  Bishop Jeffrey Monforton will give a talk and preside at the closing Mass.

The Steering Committee very much appreciates the fact that the men are sacrificing most of a valuable day and leave early to travel great distances, but Lent is all about sacrifice and the quest for holiness.  Conference participants who wish to make the Men’s Day a weekend retreat may obtain a 10% discount at the Best Western Plus just off of Exit 25 of I-77 and less than two miles from the St. Stephen’s Church which has a parish program of Stations of the Cross (Mass at Immaculate Conception Church nearby) on Friday at 7 pm preceded and followed by Eucharistic Adoration.  

For this Conference, an important part of the New Evangelization in this Year of Faith, a strong person to person marketing effort at the parish level is crucial.  The Conference then could be a vehicle to bring drifting and fallen away Catholics back home.  Non-Catholics are also welcome.    

            Traveling together in a van would make great fellowship and would solidify the parish as the men get to know each other better, more so if the pastor accompanies them.  If the distance is great, there would be a sacrificial pilgrimage flavor, especially if there's prayer and discussion of the day's events.  Even the women could encourage their men to attend. Promotional materials may be obtained from the Conference blog which promotes men’s spirituality at 

The parish representative may collect the registration forms with the $25 fee and send them to Steve Ishmael at P.O. Box 167; Lansing, OH 43934 (  Individuals may do the same.  Although registrations are accepted at the door, the men are encouraged to register ahead of time to facilitate planning and to avoid long lines.

Monday, February 11, 2013

(39) Sign-Up Sheet in the Back of the Church For the 2013 Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal


          The Diocesan Men’s Day of Renewal will be held on Saturday March 16 from 9 am to 3 pm at St. Stephen’s Church in Caldwell, a half hour north  Marietta off of I-77 Exit 25.  One may come at 8 am for a Eucharistic Holy Hour with the Blessed Sacrament exposed and rosary.  The featured speaker is Fr. Larry Richards, author of the book, “Be a Man”.  He challenges the men to be true men as God intended.  Most guys really don’t know what true manhood is.  Bishop Monforton will give a talk and preside at Mass.  Confession with a Penance Service is also offered. 
          Please register as soon as possible in order to obtain the $5.00 discount and give it to your parish representative or sign up and he will contact you.  If a person has any questions or cannot afford the $25 registration, please call Paul Sebastian at 245-9404 or e-mail him at  Economic difficulties should not be an obstacle to attendance.

          The men will meet at the Parish Hall and leave in the van at 6:30 am on Saturday morning March 16.  We should return by about 5:30 pm.  It will be a great day of fellowship and spiritual invigoration.  St. Joseph, model of a true man of God, pray for us and for the success of the Men's Conference.  St. Joseph, model of a true man of God, pray for us and for the success of the Men's Conference.

            Name                               Phone Number              E-Mail Address









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