Saturday, January 31, 2015

(81) Promotion Ideas for the 2015 Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal


            Crucial to the success of our Men's Conference at St. Bernard’s Church in Beverly on Route 339 on Saturday March 7, 2015 from 9 am to 4 pm is the Parish Representative.   The theme isThis Old House: Ever Dynamic, Ever New.with St. Joseph, model of a true man of God, as its patron.  The main speaker, is the well known Dr. Allen Hunt, who will talk on He will talk on “The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic”…… prayer, study, generosity, and evangelization in the morning session to help the men to become better spiritual leaders of their families and servant leaders on the job, in the parish, and in the community. 

His afternoon talk will focus on his journey to the true faith and how God revolutionizes our lives with His real presence in the Eucharist and its remarkable power for each of us.  Having discovered the faith as a convert, he is in a unique position to give all participants, especially cradle Catholics, a renewed appreciation of the beauty and splendor of the faith, motivating the men to learn and become more committed. 

            If we can mobilize an average of 10 men from every parish in the diocese, this event would be a smashing success!  This is a hard sell for many men, but the Lord will help us. 

            This is evangelization at its best as we complete our God given mission in little ways in fulfilling Christ's command to teach all nations.  The priests and religious cannot do it alone; we must help them and do our part, especially considering the scarcity of vocations.  Evangelization today is more important than ever before, considering the crisis that Christianity is in all over the world.......drifting and fallen away Catholics, broken families, laxity in practice, poor knowledge of the faith, the international spiritual/cultural war with secularism, and the multitude of evils that our society must confront.  Our country desperately needs a revival.  Why not start in your parish with the Diocesan Men's Conference and be on the front line as the Lord's instrument?  Don't just keep the faith; spread little or big ways by prayer and example, word and deed.

            You might want to consider the promotion ideas below and then adapt them to your own personality and parish culture.

· Word of Mouth is the most effective form of advertising.  This is especially true in parishes since many go over the bulletin quickly with little thought or simply put it aside and don't read it at all.  You could get others in the parish to help through an informal committee or simply enlist the help of friends.  You may want to canvas every man one-on-one in the parish with a little sales pitch and record their answer as:  yes, no, or maybe.  I'm getting mostly maybe's but that gives me an appropriate excuse to ask them again.  Of course, be careful not to badger them, which I sometimes do without realizing it.  Ask the local K of C to help & mobilize their men to attend.

· Ask the Men to bring their teenage sons, thus making it a father and son day as well for stronger bonding. 

· Inform the men of the objectives and what they can gain from the Men's Day of RenewalThe goal of the Men's Day of Renewal is to focus on the spiritual development of the men of our diocese. Having spiritually strong men of faith and character translates into more solid families, more dynamic parishes, and better communities. These are crucial to the Church, now and in the future, not to mention the critical need of nurturing vocations.  Hopefully, the men will become closer to God, learn more about their faith with a deeper understanding and thus become stronger Catholics.  Life will then become happier and more meaningful with purpose.  It will be a day of enjoyable fellowship and spiritual invigoration.

· Challenge the Men without rubbing them the wrong way.  The Lord's kingdom on earth direly needs a few good spiritually strong men and too many of us are failing in our special missions.  Too many of us are spiritual wimps and this conference attempts to attack that problem.  We have to be the pillars of the parish, not only the older women.  We as fathers must take the spiritual lead in our families, in that way insuring that our children will be faithful in their adult years.  If only the mother takes the spiritual lead, the probability of faithfulness in later life is about 40%.  If the father takes the spiritual lead, that probability increases to about 80%.  This conference will help to prepare us to fill that role more effectively by becoming better husbands and fathers.  Hopefully, many men will leave the conference on fire to renew their families and parishes.  As a natural consequence they will be better prepared to put Christ into their professions and renew society in a small way one person at a time.

· Ask the pastor to announce the conference from the pulpit & for weekly blurbs in the Church bulletin. These of course are important, but it's the conventional way.  We need creative methods of promoting this important event.

· Creatively use your parish bulletin according to the wishes of your pastor with a short catchy blurb every week during the six to eight weeks before the event.  I have a collection of short blurbs that you can use as is or as a starting point and adapt to your parish culture and situation.  If interested, please write me at or call me at 740-245-9404 if you have any questions.  I'll be happy to send these blurbs to you by e-mail or snail mail.

· Make copies of our trifold brochure that describes the Men's Conference and includes the registration form.  Use it as a bulletin insert and put it on the parish website.  Then the men can personally give you the registration form without your having to go after them.  You can also adapt it.  One year Fr. Wayne Morris of Corpus Christi, Belle Valley and St. Stephen's of Caldwell, for example, creatively adapted the official diocesan trifold to the needs of his parish without losing any essential information and thus made it into his own parish publication in color.
·  Register the men personally and submit the forms and money to the diocese all at once.  In that way you have better control and know who is going and who isn't.  That makes follow-up and organizing car pools much easier. Most men won't want to bother with sending the form and check to the diocese and many would put it off.  Waiting to register at the door makes steering committee planning more difficult.  If they pay in advance, it will be much more difficult to back out with last minute inertia.
· Help those who cannot afford the $25 registration.  Ask the pastor, the local Knights of Columbus council, parish women's group, or other donors to provide some funding for unemployed men and college students who may have financial problems.  Economic circumstance should not prevent any man from attending.

· Use a bus or organize car pools, preferably vans to reduce fuel costs.  Even better if the distance is great; that gives a pilgrimage atmosphere!   The great benefit of this is fellowship which is another selling point, especially if the distance and travel time is great.  Distance gives a pilgrimage flavor and sacrifice is what Lent is all about.  In the Middle Ages, people used to walk great distances to holy sites.  The men can have a great time while having a spiritually invigorating spiritual experience.  The enthusiasm generated by the conference can be contagious.  This can result in greater friendships and a more cohesive parish community. The local chapter of the Knights of Columbus could also benefit through one-on-one opportunities to recruit new members.  The fellowship among their members at the conference could strengthen their councils.

· Ask for the pastor's help and bring him along.  We'll need confessors.  His example is a big help!  It will be a great opportunity for him to know his men better and become closer to them as cohesion of the parish family grows.

· Ask the pastor to allow you or another person to talk about the conference at the end of the weekend Masses.  A peer, whom the men respect, especially if he attended before, can be more effective than the pastor whom people hear promoting something all the time.  Then inform them that the registration form is on the poster in the back of the church. 

· Enlist the help of those who attended a previous Diocesan Men's Conference.  They can relate the experience by word of mouth, to their local Knights of Columbus council, other men's groups, or perhaps with the pastor's approval speak at the end of Sunday Mass  as to how much they got out of it, how much they enjoyed it.  Personal testimony makes our promotion much more authentic. Donations to help underwrite the conference are most appreciated.

· Utilize the Power of the Woman.  Perhaps discretely ask the women of the parish through their parish group to lovingly encourage (not nag) their men to attend......husbands, sons, fathers, relatives, friends.  What woman would not like to have her men be true men of God who would transform their families, the parish, and ultimately society?

· Ask for prayers to God and to St. Joseph for the success of the men’s conference, arguably the best model in history of a true man of God for his intercession.  We cannot succeed by ourselves with our efforts alone.  
St. Joseph, model of a true man of God, pray for us & the success of the Men's Conference.


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

(80) Ads Invited for the Program Booklet of the 2015 Steubenville Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal


          In order to attract the best speakers in the country and minimize the cost to each participant, the Steering Committee for the Steubenville Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal is inviting ads and donations to underwrite the Conference.  Businesses, Knights of Columbus Councils, and other groups would have exposure to the entire diocese, which includes 13 counties of Ohio from Minerva at the north end of Carroll County down to Ironton on the Kentucky border.  Anyone interested in buying an ad may copy and paste the following form onto a blank sheet of his/her word processor.

Dear Local Merchant or Sponsor:

The Diocese of Steubenville is sponsoring a one day Catholic Men’s Day of Renewal on Saturday, March 7, 2015 from 9 am to 4 pm at St. Bernard’s Church in Beverly, Ohio. As part of the day, a program pamphlet is provided for each attendee.  Advertising space is available to local merchants and other groups according to the rates below.  This provides the opportunity for exposure throughout the far flung diocese which extends from Minerva on Route 30 along the northern border of Carroll County down to Ironton at the Kentucky border.

1/8 page           $  40.00   (3 ½ in. x 2 in.)
1/4 page           $  75.00   (7 in. x 2 in.)
1/2 page           $125.00   (7 in. x 4 in.)

Full page         $200.00   Each page measures 7 in. x 8 ½ in.

The deadline for submission of ad material is February 10.  If you choose to do an ad, the following information is requested.  Also, if you are providing artwork, it must be in a jpg. format and copy ready.  Any questions may be addressed to Roger Huck at Home: 740-984-2234, Cell: 740-336-9128, or

Name of Organization: ________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________
City, State. Zip: ______________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________________________________
Point of Contact & Phone Number:_________________________________________

If you do not choose to place an ad, you may donate financially to support the day and your organization’s name and address will be listed alphabetically on a sponsor page.  This will enable us to contract the best speakers in the country and charge a reasonable price to the men who attend.
Please send all information with payment to:
            Roger Huck
            %Men’s Day of Renewal
            P.O. Box 54
            Beverly, OH 45715-0054
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Date ___________________

______________________________________________________has chosen to
(Name of Company/Organization)
____Place an ad.  Size_____________ Amount $_______

____Generously provided financial support.  Amount  $_______
Committee Representative__________________________ 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

(79) Men's Conference 2015: Possible Short Announcements for the Sunday Bulletin


Choose, adapt, change, or improve as you see fit according to your parish situation and space available in the parish bulletin for any Sunday.  Everyone who has heard Allen Hunt speak, say that he is really good.  There is enough of a variety here to have an announcement every Sunday until the Conference with one or two after the event as well. 

  1. Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal Saturday, March 7 from 9 am – 3:30 pm at St. Bernard’s Church in Beverly.  The theme is “THIS OLD HOUSE: Ever Dynamic; Ever New”.  The main speaker is Dr. Allen Hunt.  Dynamic and entertaining, this nationally known best-selling author and speaker will help the men to appreciate the beauty and the splendor of the Church he discovered while still a pastor of a megachurch before converting to the faith.  The $25 Registration would be a great gift for the men in your extended family.  See Name of Parish Representative (phone no.) to register, e.g., See Paul Sebastian (245-9404) to register.  Enjoy the fellowship by going in the parish van, which leaves at 7:30 am from the Parish Hall.

  1. Urgent for Men: Become a dynamic Catholic and thus a more effective servant leader in the home, the parish, the community, and in your job.  Let Dr. Allen Hunt, nationally known speaker and best selling author, give you some valuable pointers.  Attend the Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal Saturday March 7 from 9 am – 3:30 pm at St. Bernard’s Church in Beverly.  See Name of Parish Representative (phone no.) to register, e.g., See Paul Sebastian (245-9404) to register.  Enjoy the fellowship by going in the parish van, which leaves at 7:30 am from the Parish Center.

  1. Men: Become a dynamic Catholic through prayer, study, generosity, and evangelization.  Take the first step by attending the Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal Saturday March 7 from 9 am – 3:30 pm at St. Bernard’s Church in Beverly and listening to Dr. Allen Hunt on how.  See Name of Parish Representative (phone no.) to register, e.g., See Paul Sebastian (245-9404) to register.  Enjoy the fellowship by going in the parish van, which leaves at 7:30 am from the Parish Hall.

  1. Men: Get into spiritual shape for the big games, Holy Week and Easter and winning the Super Bowl Trophy.......Heaven.  Let this nationally known speaker, Dr. Allen Hunt, give you some great tips for becoming a bold and dynamic Catholic to make an impact as an effective spiritual leader in the home, in the parish, in the community, and on the job.  Attend the Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal Saturday March 7 from 9 am – 3:30 pm at St. Bernard’s Church in Beverly.  See Name of Parish Representative (phone no.) to register, e.g., See Paul Sebastian (245-9404) to register.  Enjoy the fellowship by going in the parish van, which leaves at 7:30 am from the Parish Hall.

  1. Urgently Needed for the Kingdom: A Few Good Spiritually Strong Men.  Become one by taking the first step at the Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal Saturday, March 7 from 9 am – 3:30 pm at St. Bernard’s Church in get into spiritual shape as a soldier of Christ.  Let Dr. Allen Hunt, nationally known dynamic speaker and best selling author, give you some valuable pointers.  See Name of Parish Representative (phone no.) to register, e.g., See Paul Sebastian (245-9404) to register.  Enjoy the fellowship by going in the parish van, which leaves at 7:30 am from the Parish Center.

  1. Men: Learn how Dr. Allen Hunt discovered and embraced the true, the good, and the beautiful of the Church, thus risking his material well-being, career, and loss of friends.  Attend the Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal Saturday, March 7 from 9 am – 3:30 pm at St. Bernard’s Church in Beverly.  See Name of Parish Representative (phone no.) to register, e.g., See Paul Sebastian (245-9404) to register.  Make a big Lenten sacrifice and enjoy the fellowship by going in the parish van, which leaves at 7:30 am from the Parish Center.

  1. Make the Men’s Conference a Father & Son event.  The men are encouraged to bring their teenage sons, grandsons, godsons, nephews, students, and friends to the Diocesan’s Men’s Day of Renewal. Saturday, March 7 from 9 am – 3:30 pm at St. Bernard’s Church in Beverly.  Register today.  See Name of Parish Representative (phone no.) to register, e.g., See Paul Sebastian (245-9404) to register.  Enjoy the fellowship by going in the parish van, which leaves at 7:30 am from the Parish Center.   
  1. Men: Do we really know what true manhood is as God intended?   Let Dr. Allen Hunt, nationally known best selling author and dynamic speaker, give you some valuable pointers as the spiritual leader in your family.  Attend the Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal Saturday, March 7 from 9 am – 3:30 pm at St. Bernard’s Church in Beverly.  See Name of Parish Representative (phone no.) to register, e.g., See Paul Sebastian (245-9404) to register.  Enjoy the fellowship by going in the parish van, which leaves at 7:30 am from the Parish Center.

  1. Make a Lenten sacrifice by giving up a Saturday to attend the Men’s Conference for a day of spiritual renewal Saturday, March 7 from 9 am – 3:30 pm at St. Bernard’s Church in Beverly.  Let Dr. Allen Hunt, nationally known dynamic speaker and best selling author, give you some valuable pointers.  See Name of Parish Representative (phone no.) to register, e.g., See Paul Sebastian (245-9404) to register.  Enjoy the fellowship by going in the parish van, which leaves at 7:30 am from the Parish Center.   

  1. Men: Are you a spiritual wimp?   Don't let that happen to you.  Let Dr. Allen Hunt, nationally known dynamic speaker and best selling author, give you some valuable pointers on becoming a dynamic Catholic.  Attend the Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal Saturday, March 7 from 9 am – 3:30 pm at St. Bernard’s Church in get into spiritual shape to renew the secular culture.  See Name of Parish Representative (phone no.) to register, e.g., See Paul Sebastian (245-9404) to register.  Enjoy the fellowship by going in the parish van, which leaves at 7:30 am from the Parish Center.

  1. Men: Get ready to defend the faith as a dynamic Catholic and put Christ into your family and profession. Let Dr. Allen Hunt, nationally known dynamic speaker and best selling author, give you some valuable pointers.   Attend the Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal Saturday, March 7 from 9 am – 3:30 pm at St. Bernard’s Church in Beverly.  See Name of Parish Representative (phone no.) to register, e.g., See Paul Sebastian (245-9404) to register.  Enjoy the fellowship by going in the parish van, which leaves at 7:30 am from the Parish Center. 

  1. Urgent for Men: Prepare to be strong spiritual leaders of your families.  Let Dr. Allen Hunt, nationally known dynamic speaker and best selling author, give you some valuable pointers.  Attend the Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal Saturday, March 7 from 9 am – 3:30 pm at St. Bernard’s Church in Beverly.  See Name of Parish Representative (phone no.) to register, e.g., See Paul Sebastian (245-9404) to register.  Enjoy the fellowship by going in the parish van, which leaves at 7:30 am from the Parish Center. 

  1. Men: Have a great day of enjoyable fellowship and spiritual invigoration with Dr. Allen Hunt, nationally known dynamic speaker and best selling author, as we travel in the parish van to March 7 from 9 am – 3:30 pm at St. Bernard’s Church in Beverly..  We should be back late in the afternoon.  See Name of Parish Representative (phone no.) to register., e.g., Paul Sebastian (245-9404) to register.   

  1. Men: Become more knowledgeable, grow, and mature in the faith as a dynamic Catholic.  We're still baby Christians who know so little.  Let Dr. Allen Hunt, nationally known dynamic speaker and best selling author, give you some valuable pointers.  Attend the Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal Saturday, March 7 from 9 am – 3:30 pm at St. Bernard’s Church in Beverly.   See Name of Parish Representative (phone no.) to register, e.g., See Paul Sebastian (245-9404) to register.  Enjoy the fellowship by going in the parish van, which leaves at 7:30 am from the Parish Center.

  1. Men: Let’s prepare for the great feast of Easter and Eternity too.  Let Dr. Allen Hunt, nationally known dynamic speaker and best selling author, give you some valuable pointers.  Attend the Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal Saturday, March 7 from 9 am – 3:30 pm at St. Bernard’s Church in Beverly.  Register today.  See Name of Parish Representative (phone no.) to register, e.g., See Paul Sebastian (245-9404) to register.  Enjoy the fellowship by going in the parish van, which leaves at 7:30 am from the Parish Center.

  1. Men: We must work hard to cross the goal into heaven.  A big help is to attend the Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal on Saturday, March 7 from 9 am – 3:30 pm at St. Bernard’s Church in Beverly. Let Dr. Allen Hunt, nationally known dynamic speaker and best selling author, help you get into spiritual shape and cross the goal.  Make the big Lenten sacrifice and register today with Name of Parish Representative (phone no.) (e.g., Paul Sebastian (245-9404).  Enjoy great fellowship by going in the parish van, which leaves at 7:30 am from the Parish Center 

  1. Men: Learn about the genius of Catholicism and why Church teachings give so much wisdom for your life.  Let Dr. Allen Hunt, nationally known dynamic speaker and best selling author, give you some tips to become a better husband, father, or singe person.  Attend the Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal Saturday, March 7 from 9 am – 3:30 pm at St. Bernard’s Church in Beverly.  See Name of Parish Representative (phone no.) to register, e.g., See Paul Sebastian (245-9404) to register.  Make a big Lenten sacrifice and enjoy the fellowship by going in the parish van, which leaves at 7:30 am from the Parish Center.   
To Be Used for February 28, the Sunday Immediately Preceding the Event

  1. The Men's Conference is this coming Saturday, March 7 from 9 am – 3:30 pm at St. Bernard’s Church in Beverly.  The men will meet at the Parish Hall at 7:30 am and travel together in the parish van for some great fellowship and spiritual re-invigoration.  Giving up an entire Saturday and traveling a long way is a big sacrifice for Lent.  Being tough men, we're up to it and the Lord will reward us.  Women, encourage your men to go.  Certainly, you want them to become true men of God.  Dr. Allen Hunt, nationally known dynamic speaker, author, and national radio & TV host will say much in regard to being the spiritual leader of the family.  You may register at the door, but calling your parish representative at (phone number) e.g., Paul Sebastian at 245-9404 beforehand as soon as you can would make planning so much easier.
 To Be Used After the Conference is Over

Thanks to the 17 men from our parish who attended the Diocesan Men’s Day of Renewal.  That included three men from the RCIA class, who are already integrating themselves into the parish.  It was our best turnout yet and also a much younger group.  Thanks to the women who encouraged them; thanks to Fr. Tom for his support.  Thanks to all for your prayers and for your patience with me.  About 220 men attended from all over the diocese.  It was one of the best Men’s Conference that we’ve had yet from the perspectives of both the diocese and our parish.  May we have even a better turnout next year.  May both the diocesan Men’s Conference and the Women’s Conference becomes a Lenten tradition in our parish.

Men: Take advantage of the Conference Blog which promotes Men’s spirituality with articles of interest.  From January through March it focuses more on promoting the Diocesan Men’s Day of Renewal.   Go to Previous conference speakers have websites: Danny Abramowicz has ; Fr. Thomas Loya has on the Theology of the Body; Fr. Larry Richards,, and Dr. Ray Gaurendi,  There are articles for everyone on  Please check them out and thanks for attending and promoting the Men’s Day of Renewal. 
St. Joseph, model of a true man of God, pray for us and for the success of the Men's Conference.



        The goal of the Men's Day of Renewal is to focus on the spiritual development of the men of our diocese. Having spiritually strong men of faith and character translates into more solid families, more dynamic parishes, and better communities. This is crucial to the Church, now and in the future. It is also critical for nurturing vocations.

        The 2015 Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal will be held on Saturday March 7 from 9:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. (optional Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 8:30 am) at St. Bernard’s Church in Beverly, Ohio on State Route 339 northwest of Marietta.  The theme of the conference is “This Old House: Ever Dynamic, Ever Newwith St. Joseph, model of a true man of God, as its patron.

       Prior to the official start of the conference there will be an optional half hour of prayer with recitation of the Divine Chaplet at 8:30 am. This will be followed by a Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Rosary at 9 A.M.

     This year’s program includes the popular speaker Dr. Allen Hunt, who will challenge the participants to be truly dynamic Catholics and thus more effective servant leaders in the home, the parish, the community, and on the job.  A Reconciliation Service will take place, and Mass will be presided by Bishop Jeffrey M. Monforton, the Fifth Bishop of Steubenville. The priests attending will concelebrate with him.

        Allen Hunt was the pastor of a mega-church in Alpharetta, Georgia outside of Atlanta.  Under his leadership, Mount Pisgah Church doubled in size to serve more than 15,000 people each week, one of the largest Methodist congregations in the world.  Dr. Hunt helped to develop comprehensive ministries with children and students as well as a Christian School with over 1200 students, a pregnancy resource center, a Counseling Center, and ministries for the poor and homeless. 

       He discovered the truth in 1992, but it took him 15 years of struggle to make the final decision to leave his mega-church and make a complete change of life and convert to Catholicism.  This act of courage and integrity meant being ostracized by colleagues and friends and losing his prestigious position.   In many ways, this transition was effected by the prayers of a group of Dominican sisters at Monastery of Our Lady of Grace in North Guilford, Connecticut, who have been praying for Allen since he shared lectures with them during the season of Lent in 1992.
       Thus Allen Hunt is in a unique position to speak on the theme of the Steubenville Diocese Men’s Conference:  “This Old House: Ever Dynamic, Ever New”.  This theme promises to give all participants, especially cradle Catholics, a renewed appreciation of the beauty and splendor of the faith, motivating the men to deepen their knowledge and become more committed.  Today with the zeal of a St. Paul, this new Catholic evangelist works night and day to share his discovery of the faith and to spread it.  He does this through talks all over the country, writing, and partnering with Matthew Kelly at the Dynamic Catholic Institute.  See  He will talk on “The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic”…… prayer, study, generosity, and evangelization in the morning session.  His afternoon talk will focus on his journey to the true faith and how God revolutionizes our lives with His real presence in the Eucharist and its remarkable power for each of us.

       Prior to full-time ministry, Allen Hunt worked for an international leader in the textile, apparel, and retail industries.  He also was a management consultant with Kurt Salmon Associates.  Dr. Hunt earned a Ph.D. in New Testament and Ancient Christian Origins from Yale University.

       Dr. Allen Hunt is also a best-selling author of “Confessions of a Mega-Church Pastor: How I Discovered the Hidden Treasures of the Catholic Church”; “Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody”; and “Nine Words: A Bible Study to Help You Become the Best-Version-of-Yourself”. They can be obtained from his website at

       While travel time and distance may be far for many, it gives the conference a pilgrimage flavor, and Lent is truly all about sacrifice and spiritual growth.  Since St. Bernard Beverly is in the geographic center of our far flung diocese, the Steering Committee is hopeful that the men of Steubenville in the north and the men of Ironton and Chesapeake in the south will be able to participate.   Nevertheless, this mini-pilgrimage is still a Lenten sacrifice of early rising and a long trip with great fellowship in a van or bus as the men pray together, discuss the talks and other events of the Conference, and deepen friendships.  A bag lunch is provided. 

        It should be a great day of enjoyable fellowship and spiritual invigoration. In each of the last three years men returned reinvigorated, enthusiastic, and spiritually refreshed.  Expect the same this year.  It is awesome to hear the men lift up their voices in song and be moved by the beauty and power of the faith.  But mostly, through God’s grace, we will have more good spiritually strong men for the kingdom of God as well as the battle against secularism and other evils that trouble our society. We will have men that will exemplify Christ in their professions. We will have men who will become more knowledgeable in their faith and better prepared for a joyful Easter and an eternal closeness to God.  The Men's Day of Renewal is growing into an annual event in our diocese, thus fulfilling a great need.

        Promotional Help Needed. One or two men are urgently needed in each parish to ensure the success of this event. To ease the burden on our pastors, we are depending upon our men to offer their assistance as parish representatives to mobilize the men, register them, and organize van pools. Word-of-mouth advertising is essential to maximize the promotion of the Men’s Day of Renewal throughout each parish. We ask participants of past years to tell their friends about this awesome opportunity for spiritual renewal.  Equally important, women can be most valuable in encouraging their husbands, sons (including teens), fathers, fiancés, etc., to attend. This is a very important part of the new evangelization.”  Father and son can make this day an unforgettable shared experience in which they become closer to each other.

       Each prospective parish representative is asked to make his availability and contact information known to the Chair of the Steering Committee, Chuck Schneider at (740)782-1877, (740)338-9091, or  Men may register individually or the parish representative may collect the registration forms with payment and send them to Roger Huck; %Men’s Day of Renewal, P.O. Box 54; Beverly, OH 45715.  This would save considerable time waiting at the door.  Checks for the Registration cost of $25.00 per person are to be made payable to the Diocese of Steubenville with “Men's Day of Renewalwritten on the memo line of the check. 

       Transportation Needs. A carpool, vanpool, or bus saves on fuel costs and allows for fellowship opportunity while traveling to and from the event—especially for those traveling greater distances. Please assist with the organization of transportation for those attending in your parish.

     Donations Needed. It is very expensive to put on a conference of this magnitude and feature today’s top speakers. While the Steering Committee does its best to minimize the cost for each participant, we are seeking donations from businesses, parish organizations, the Knights of Columbus, and individuals. Please send donations to Chuck Schneider as shown above.  More information is available from your pastor, from Chuck Schneider above, or Paul Sebastian at (740) 245-9404 or The latter will provide the address to the Men's Conference Blog, which has a wealth of promotional materials (possible bulletin and pulpit announcements, a possible bulletin insert, promotional ideas at the parish level, crucial role of the parish representative, possible talk by one of the men after Mass, etc.), interesting articles, and other information. After the conference and throughout the year, articles will be added to help men keep in good spiritual shape.

       Ads in the Even Program Brochure.  Details on placing the ad for a business or community organization, or Knights of Columbus Council are in the Conference Blog or call Roger Huck at 740-984-2234 or 740-336-9128.

       Please submit your registration as soon as possible. Registration will be accepted at the door; however, doing so in advance makes our planning more efficient and also helps to minimize waiting at the conference entrance.

 Get you into good spiritual shape
 Have a great day of enjoyable fellowship and spiritual invigoration with fellow parishioners
    and participants at the conference, resulting in deeper friendships and parish cohesion
Develop ourselves as men of character and spiritual strength as we obtain the graces
    to cope with the problems and conquer problematic issues that trouble our society
Be an effective spiritual leader to your family as a better husband and father
Prepare our hearts for the great feast of Easter as we become closer to God
Become more knowledgeable about our Catholic faith and grow in Christian maturity
Become a more effective soldier of Christ, and help strengthen His kingdom on earth

(77) Dr. Ray on Anger: Excerpts From His Book

Many of us have problems with anger…….something that some of us have to struggle with and work on all of our lives during our journey to Eternity.  Dr. Ray Guarendi wrote a book on it…….. Fighting Mad — Practical Solutions for Conquering Anger.  Below are a few excerpts.  You can order the book from Dr. Ray’s website,

Dr. Ray was the main speaker at our Diocesan Men’s Day of Renewal in 2014 at St. Mary’s Church in St. Clairsville.  He has a weekly television program on EWTN cable/satellite and internet Right with Dr. Ray” 7 pm Eastern on Saturdays and 5 am on Fridays.  He also has a radio program, “The Doctor is In” on EWTN Radio ( 1 pm Eastern Monday thru Friday.  To see numerous samples of Dr. Ray Guarendi’s talks, go to and type in Dr. Ray Guarendi. 

                                                                   The Excerpts                                         

Vent or Contain?

Vent or Contain?, excerpt from Fighting Mad — Practical Solutions for Conquering Anger “Conventional wisdom has long advised that anger vented is good. It allows stress a release, much like the pressure discharged from a steam valve. Conventional wisdom isn’t always wise or always true.”

This piece of conventional wisdom is now being rethought. It seems that venting anger, especially rashly, can cause the venter a number of ill effects

One, anger too often expressed leads to its being expressed more often. Blowing off steam comes sooner and easier with less pressure.

Two, venting can take a physical toll on its releaser. It agitates rather than pacifies.

And three, loud and long anger can generate distress post-vent: guilt, shame, embarrassment, and regret.

A piece of wisdom: Moderating one’s emotional expression is a healthier alternative to letting it flow.

Fighting Mad — Practical Solutions for Conquering Anger Pages 147-148
Copyright © 2013, Dr. Ray Guarendi
Servant Books

Cool or Hot?

Cool or Hot?, excerpt from Fighting Mad — Practical Solutions for Conquering Anger “No single gene underlies temper, or impulsiveness, or irritability. It’s an intricate dance among many genes and circumstances. There’s a universal characteristic called free will that makes the picture even more unpredictable.”

Therefore, one’s genetics do not offer a biochemical excuse, as in “My body made me do it.” No husband will win affection from his wife by hiding behind, “Honey, I’ve had a temper long before I met you. You’d better learn to live with it, because it’s just a part of me and I can’t change it now.”

No parent of a volcanic Serena would—I hope—in resignation surrender, “She’s so strong-willed. There’s not much I can do but accept it. It’s going to be a long fifteen years.”

No, what he would accept—I hope—is that he needs five times the perseverance to teach Serena some self-control as he needs for her even-tempered brother. Success may come slowly, but for Serena’s sake, as well as that of everyone near ground zero, it must be pursued.

Grown-up Serenas tell me of a lifelong battle to douse their fiery emotions. Genuinely distressed by their proclivity to overreact, their efforts are exhausting, with a two-steps-forward, one-step-back element. Still, they show an admirable will to keep advancing. They mean to conquer, or at least quiet, some of their inborn inclinations.

Science is a long way from knowing (if it ever will) how much a lack of self-control is nature and how much is nurture. And in the end it doesn’t matter all that much. We have to alter for the better what we can. If not our temperament, then our temper. If not our bodies, then our minds.

…The good news, as we shall see, is that we possess the mental resources to overcome even our bodies’ strongest inclinations.

Fighting Mad — Practical Solutions for Conquering Anger Pages 14-15
Copyright © 2013, Dr. Ray Guarendi
Servant Books
Forgive or Feel Bad?

Forgive or Feel Bad?, excerpt from Fighting Mad — Practical Solutions for Conquering Anger “No single act can relieve the corrosive aftereffects of anger than an honest act of forgiveness. To be sure, forgiving is hard, especially when the offender isn’t sorry. Only one thing is harder: Not forgiving.”

Forgiveness is not foremost a feeling. It is foremost a decision, a conscious act of the will. And that’s good, as over life’s long haul, the will is a more stable guide than the emotions. If one waits for bad feelings to subside on their own or for good feelings to replace them, forgiveness, at a minimum, will be delayed, if not abandoned indefinitely.

Resentments and agitations reverberate much longer if we don’t give forgiveness a chance. Forgiveness is not just good for the forgiven. It is as good, if not more so, for the forgiver.

No single act can relieve the corrosive aftereffects of anger than an honest act of forgiveness. To be sure, forgiving is hard, especially when the offender isn’t sorry. Only one thing is harder: not forgiving.

Fighting Mad — Practical Solutions for Conquering Anger Page 150
Copyright © 2013, Dr. Ray Guarendi
Servant Books
Trait or State?

Trait or State?, excerpt from Fighting Mad — Practical Solutions for Conquering Anger “How does one reconcile the inconsistencies between home child and school child or between home child and school child or between marital partner and work partner? Well, they don’t need to be reconciled.”

“My child is an angry person.”

“When does this anger most show itself?” I ask.

“When he’s denied something or when he’s disciplined.”

“Is he angry at times other than those?”

“No, if we let him do whatever he wants, he’s in a decent mood.”

“So it’s safe to say that this angry child’s anger is limited to specific times and places?

“It seems so.”

“What does his teacher say?”

“I don’t understand it. His teacher doesn’t see any of this….She says he’s a delight.”

“How do you explain the fact that his teacher, who has a fraction of your authority, gets him to behave every day all day without so much as a whiff of defiance?”

“Do you suppose he holds it in all day, and when he gets home, he has to explode?”

“Probably not. I think he knows where the speed limit is twenty and where it’s the interstate.”

The wife of a grouch meets a woman who regales her with “Your husband is such a joy to work with. He’s so pleasant and positive with everyone. Please don’t take offense at this, but a lot of the ladies there envy you.”

At which wife thinks, “Yeah, well, I envy them.” She has to choke back, “What’s this guy’s last name, and does he look like my wallet picture here?” Not only is she stung at hearing where she sits on her husband’s “Be nice to” list, but she can’t reconcile the image of the man she knows with that of the one those women know.

How does one reconcile the inconsistencies between home child and school child or between marital partner and work partner? Well, they don’t need to be reconciled. We’re talking about human beings here. …Different places promote different conduct. Different places also mean different people.

…Are these distinctions without effect? What does it matter if I’m an angry person or a person who gets angry with certain someones or somethings? Anger is still anger. Yet it does matter for a number of reasons.

One, such distinctions can reassure. Because personality defines who someone is, it is seen as something stable, resisting change or correction. Consequently, being an angry person sounds more serious than being a person who gets angry sometimes. Correcting any life problem begins with describing it correctly. Describing anger as more deep-rooted than it really is makes rectifying it seem more challenging.

Two, distinctions narrow the focus. When counseling a so-called angry child or adult, I must begin with questions—plenty. I need specifics—the who, what, when, and where of the anger’s appearance. Just knowing someone is an angry person does me or him little good. The characterization is too wide to be useful. Unless I narrow it, I don’t know where to head next.

Three, distinctions present solutions. Suppose I know that my abrasive Uncle Buck brings out my own abrasiveness. I can a) keep a room or two between us at any family gathering, b) resolve to let his opinions float past my ears into space or into someone else’s ears, c) keep my wife nearby, to push me away or pinch me if I’m tempted to retort, d) play Legos in the basement with the preschooler until the Buckster falls asleep or goes home.

…What seems a deficit in personal self-control may be my allowing circumstances to push me too hard. I may not have an anger trait so much as a few too many anger states.

Fighting Mad — Practical Solutions for Conquering Anger Pages 21-22
Copyright © 2013, Dr. Ray Guarendi
Servant Books