Thursday, March 8, 2012

(17) Wrapping Up the Promotion at the Parish Level

Dear Parish Reps:

        First of all, thank you so much for your work in promoting the Diiocesan Men's Day of Renewal in your parish.  Now it's time to ask, how many men do you expect to go in your parish for sure and how many maybe?  That would make planning easier for us.
        I'm having a hard time getting my men to go with the three hour trip from Gallipolis.  I have three committed and some fence sitters who won't decide until the last minute.  I'm going to give them a call.  If your parish has fish fries and/or Stations of the Cross on Friday, that would be a last opportunity to reach them.  I'm going to take advantage of it in my parish.

        If your number is small, would you be interested in going with another group?  That would make it more efficient and cheaper with greater fellowship among more guys.  We could meet along the way......either in Gallipolis or Pomeroy.  Or would you prefer to be on your own?

        I've done everything I could to get the word out about our Conference.  I hope that our article in the current issue of the Catholic Steubenville Register will help.  I also sent releases to the surrounding diocesan newspapers plus the Wheeling, Steubenville, Cleveland, and Cincinnati secular newspapers for their metro pages, trying to give the event a local slant.  I also sent invitations to the Campus Ministries of Franciscan University and Wheeling Jesuit University as well as to all of the Grand Knights of the diocese, asking for their promotional and possible financial help, but haven't heard anything.  If you are a knight or know one, please follow up on it.  Any donation could be after the Conference.

          Now it's time to put it all in the hands of the Lord, keep praying for a last minute onslaught at the door, and follow Danny's advice below.  It's full of wisdom.  Thanks for all of your work with this and God bless.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Danny Abramowicz <>
To: Paul Sebastian <>
Sent: Fri, February 24, 2012 10:16:59 AM
Subject: RE: URGENT: Article 4 Submission to the Register
This is fine with me. Remember, all that the Lord ask of us is obedience and our love; he doesn’t talk about-that we must be successful. You and your team do the best you can and pray and the Lord is in charge of the numbers. Look forward to being with you guys. Keep up the good work for the Lord.
God bless,

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