Thursday, February 26, 2015

(87) Examples: Pulpit Announcements Supporting the 2015 Men's Conference


            It is suggested that the Parish Representative ask the pastor to say a few words promoting the Men’s Conference after Mass and to also go.  We need confessors; his accompanying the men will help parish solidarity and help him to know his men better.  It may be something like the following as a starting point and be adapted according to the style of the pastor and the reality of his parish. 

First Announcement

          The Diocese is sponsoring a Men's Conference on Saturday March 7 at St. Bernard’s Church in Beverly.  I strongly recommend that every man in the parish takes advantage of the nationally known speaker.  As a convert, Dr. Allen Hunt will help us to appreciate the truth, the beauty, and the splendor of the Church.  As part of the Dynamic Catholic movement, he will help the men to become more effective spiritual leaders in their families, in the parish, in the community, and on the job.  You will return spiritually refreshed and reinvigorated after a day of enjoyable fellowship, traveling together in the parish van.  Use the sign-up sheet in the back of the church and see our parish representative (e.g., Paul Sebastian) to register.  Please pray for a fruitful and well attended Conference.

Final Announcement the Sunday Before the Conference

          The Men's Conference is this coming Saturday March 7 at St. Bernard’s  Church in Beverly.  The men will meet at the Parish Hall at 7:30 am and travel together like a pilgrimage in the parish van for some great fellowship and spiritual reinvigoration, a great sacrifice for Lent.

          Dr. Allen Hunt will give the men tips on becoming more dynamic Catholics and more effective spiritual leaders in their families, in the parish, the community, and on the job.  As a convert, he will help us to appreciate the truth, the beauty, and the splendor of our Church.  Sign up in the back of the church.  You may register at the door, but call your parish representative (e.g., Paul Sebastian) to register as soon as you can. That would make planning so much easier. Please pray for a fruitful and well attended Conference.
St. Joseph, model of a true man of God, pray for us and for the success of the Men's Conference.

(86) An Example of a Promotional Talk By a Layman After Mass on the 2015 Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal


           The following talk to the congregation after Sunday Mass may serve as a starting point, guide, or example that the parish representative could use in his parish, assuming that the pastor allows it.  The parish rep or other leader may use it as he sees fit according to his own personal style, adapting it to the parish culture and situation.  The personal testimony of a leader, who has attended a Men’s Conference, can be most effective.


          Men, let's face it.  Too many of us are spiritual weaklings.....spiritual wimps!  And that includes me.  We have to do something about it.  Our Men's Conference would be a big help to each one of us.

·   We've got to get into spiritual shape and get better connected with God, our families and others, the theme of this year's Conference.

·       We've got to become spiritually strong to be effective spiritual leaders of our families, to become better fathers, better husbands, and to be able to put Christ into our jobs and professions.  To establish the kingdom, the Lord wants our help.
·       We've got to prepare ourselves for Easter and for eternity.

·       Our Men's Conference will help us in all of these areas.  On top of that we'll have a good time of great fellowship both at the Conference and in the van going there and back.  Last year the men came back spiritually reinvigorated, refreshed, and enthusiastic.  A typical comment was: “I didn't want to go, but they twisted my arm and I'm glad they did.”

·      We'll learn more about our faith too and grow in Christian maturity. We only have a superficial knowledge.  Dr. Allen Hunt, our main speaker, is a nationally known speaker and author.   He will describe his journey of discovery of the truth, the beauty, and the splendor of the Church.  As part of the Dynamic Catholic movement, he will help us to become more dynamic Catholics and effective spiritual leaders in our families, our parishes, our communities, and on the job.   

·  Perhaps the women can help by using their feminine mystique to encourage (not nag - tongue in cheek) their men to attend.  Please mark on your calendar Saturday, March 7.  We'll meet in the parish parking lot at 7:30 am.  Please register with me as soon as you can.  That really helps in organizing and planning.  Of course, better late than never at the door.  Thank you so much.
St. Joseph, model of a true man of God, pray for us and for the success of the Men's Conference.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

(85) Suggested Bulletin Insert to Promote the Men's Conference


            If the mother takes the spiritual lead in the family, the probability that the children will remain faithful to the Church as adults is about 40%.  If the father takes the spiritual lead, that probability doubles to 80%.  This is crucial because we are losing our youth.  As Danny Abramowicz of “Crossing the Goal” on EWTN likes to point out, “The children love Mom, but tend to follow Dad.”  Thus the participants in the Diocesan Men’s Day of Renewal on Saturday March 7 at St. Bernard’s Church in Beverly (9 am to 4 pm) on Route 339 are challenged to become true men of God........dynamic Catholic leaders who will change the world, beginning with their families, their parishes, their communities, and the marketplace through their jobs.

            Therefore, Dr. Allen Hunt, a partner of Matthew Kelly at the Dynamic Catholic Institute (, will talk on “The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic”…….. prayer, study, generosity, and evangelization in the morning session.  His afternoon talk will focus on his journey to the true faith and how God revolutionizes our lives with His real presence in the Eucharist and its remarkable power for each of us.  A former pastor of a mega-church of 15,000 people, he will share his journey to find the truth and discover the beauty and splendor of the Catholic Church.  Cradle Catholics will obtain a deeper appreciation of the Church.

             In 1992 Dr. Hunt presented a series of talks to a group of Dominican sisters at the Monastery of Our Lady of Grace in North Guilford, Connecticut.  The nuns decided as a prayer project to pray for his conversion.  It took them 15 years.  Since discovering the truth, he went through 15 years of struggle to make the final decision to leave his mega-church and make a complete change of life and convert to Catholicism.  This act of courage and integrity meant being ostracized by colleagues and friends and losing his prestigious position.  Recent converts, those in RCIA, and others who have discovered the truth, but are struggling with the decision to enter the Church can identify with him.

Allen Hunt is also a best-selling author of “Confessions of a Mega-Church Pastor: How I Discovered the Hidden Treasures of the Catholic Church”; “Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody”; and “Nine Words: A Bible Study to Help You Become the Best-Version-of-Yourself”.  They can be obtained from his website at

            The goal of the Men's Day of Renewal is to focus on the spiritual development of the men of our diocese. Having spiritually strong men of faith and character translates into more solid families, more dynamic parishes, and better communities. This is crucial to the Church, now and in the future. It is also critical for nurturing vocations.  The theme of the conference is “This Old House: Ever Dynamic, Ever New” with St. Joseph, model of a true man of God, as its patron.

            It involves sacrificing most of a Saturday with some travel, but Lent is all about sacrifice and the quest for holiness.  That gives a pilgrimage flavor.  During the middle ages, pilgrims would travel for days by foot or horseback.
            Our men will leave in the parish van at 7:30 am and have great fellowship on the way.  See how the participants are moved by the beauty and power of the faith.   The experience of seeing so many men enthusiastically participating and lifting up their voices in song is uplifting.  There will be opportunities for Eucharistic Adoration & a Lenten Confession.  The Conference is open to teens so this can also be a father and son event, a shared experience.   Non-Catholics are also welcome.  In the past the men have returned spiritually refreshed, reinvigorated, and enthusiastic.  Expect the same this year. 

            There’s more information on the diocesan website, and the Conference Blog, “Becoming a True Man of God” at which is also devoted to articles to keep men in spiritual shape after the Conference.  For a greater variety, go to “A Little Bit for God and His People” at

            It should be a great day of enjoyable fellowship and spiritual invigoration. But most of all, through grace we'll have a few more good spiritually strong men for the kingdom of God in the battle against secularism and other evils and problems that our troubled society must --not spiritual weaklings and wimps-- who will put Christ into their professions.  Finally, the men will become more knowledgeable, firmer in their faith, and better prepared for a more joyful Easter, not to mention a greater closeness to God and eternity which life on earth is all about.  The Men's Day of Renewal is growing into an annual event in our diocese, thus fulfilling a great need.

            Although one may register at the door, please register with Paul Sebastian (245-9404), as soon as possible.  That would make planning (food, transportation, etc.) easier & minimize waiting at the door.  Sign up is in back of the church.


·   Get into good spiritual shape and avoid being a spiritual weakling, i.e., a spiritual wimp.
· Have a great day of enjoyable fellowship and spiritual invigoration in the parish van and at the conference,   resulting in deeper friendships and parish cohesion.
·  Develop ourselves as men of character and spiritual strength as we obtain the graces to conquer ourselves     and cope with the problems that our troubled society and economy bring to us.
·  Be a more effective spiritual leader of your family as a better husband and father.
·  Prepare our hearts for the great feast of Easter and for eternity as we become closer to God.
·  Become knowledgeable about the faith and grow in Christian maturity.  We know so little about Church teaching.
·  Become a more effective soldier of Christ as you do your part in establishing the kingdom, winning the spiritual-culture war against secularism, and put Christ into your profession.
St. Joseph, model of a true man of God, pray for us and for the success of the Men's Conference.


(i.e., paste the part with the speaker photos & descriptions of Bishop Montforton and Allen Hunt, the schedule for the day, and the registration form.  They may be reproduced either in color or black & white.)

(84) Press Release 2: Urgently Needed: A Few Good Men to Promote the 2015 Men's Conference


This article was originally submitted to the Diocese of Steubenville Catholic Register

            If the Men of the diocese are in good spiritual shape, the family is renewed.  If the family is renewed, the parish is renewed and so is the diocese.  The men must be spiritual leaders in their families.  The men must step up and be the pillars of the parish.......not only the women.  The men must put Christ into the marketplace and in their jobs. 

A successful and well attended Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal on Saturday March 7 at St. Bernard’s Church in Beverly on Route 339 (9:00 am to 4 pm) would be a big step in that direction.  An excellent program is in place.

This year’s program includes the popular speaker Dr. Allen Hunt, who will challenge the participants to be truly dynamic Catholics and thus more effective servant leaders in the home, the parish, the community, and on the job. 

Allen Hunt was the pastor of a mega-church, serving 15,000 people per week in Alpharetta, Georgia outside of Atlanta.  He discovered the truth in 1992, but it took him 15 years of struggle to make the final decision to leave his mega-church and make a complete change of life and convert to Catholicism.  This act of courage and integrity meant being ostracized by colleagues and friends and losing his prestigious position.  In many ways, this transition was effected by the prayers of a group of Dominican sisters at Monastery of Our Lady of Grace in North Guilford, Connecticut, who have been praying for Allen since he shared lectures with them during the season of Lent in 1992.
Thus Allen Hunt is in a unique position to speak on the theme of the Steubenville Diocese Men’s Conference:  This Old House: Ever Dynamic, Ever New”.  This theme promises to give all participants, especially cradle Catholics, a renewed appreciation of the beauty and splendor of the faith, motivating the men to deepen their knowledge and become more committed.  Today with the zeal of a St. Paul, this new Catholic evangelist works night and day to share his discovery of the faith and to spread it.  He does this through talks all over the country, writing, and partnering with Matthew Kelly at the Dynamic Catholic Institute.  See  He will talk in the morning on “The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic”…… prayer, study, generosity, and evangelization in the morning session.  His afternoon talk will focus on his journey to the true faith and how God revolutionizes our lives with His real presence in the Eucharist and its remarkable power for each of us.

Marketing is crucial to the success of this Conference.  The Steering Committee for the Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal has sent posters, brochures, and registration forms to every parish in the diocese and is asking each one to promote the Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal.......announcements in the bulletin and from the pulpit, a bulletin insert, etc.  Parish organizations such as the Knights of Columbus can also be a big help.  But the most important of all is a leader and a few good men in each parish to assure that the overall promotion is adequate and to mobilize the other men of the parish to on one selling of the Conference and to organize the men to go as a group in the parish van, a van pool, or hiring a bus.  

          That would be great fellowship and would solidify the parish as the men get to know each other better, especially if the pastor accompanies them.  If the distance is great, there would be a pilgrimage flavor, especially if there's prayer and discussion of the day's events.  Pastors, already overworked, can't do it all, especially the grunt work of promotion.  They urgently need the help of the laity.  Even the women could encourage their men to attend. Promotional materials and detailed information may be obtained from or from 

         Thus the Steering Committee asks for at least one or two representatives from each parish.   The pastor could appoint a representative or a leader could inform his pastor and volunteer.  In any event each parish representative is asked to make his availability and contact information known to the Chair of the Steering Committee, Chuck Schneider - Chair Diocesan Men's Day of Renewal” 740-338-9091, 740-782-1877, or  The parish representative may collect the registration forms and send them to Roger Huck; Men’s Day of Renewal; P.O. Box 54; Beverly, OH 45715.    This may also be done individually. Make the $25 check payable to the Diocese of Steubenville and write “Men's Day of Renewal” on the memo line.  One may register at the door, but advance registration makes planning much easier.  Mr. Huck also is accepting ads for the Conference Program booklet.